Embraer Defense & Security performs aircraft modernization to exchange existing systems and avionics for updated versions, whether for aircraft of its manufacture or other brands, extending their useful life and adapting them to the contemporary requirements of the missions they must perform and new regulations. Below are some of the aircraft Embraer has already modernized:

Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft (AEW&C) manufactured by Embraer have been updated after two decades of operation and more than 30,000 flight hours.

A fighter manufactured by the AMX International Consortium, of which Embraer was a part, it incorporated new technologies such as the HUD, HOTAS, MFD and RWR, in addition to new navigation systems, weapons, oxygen generation and electronic countermeasures.

Produced by Northrop, the F5 aircraft have been in operation by the Brazilian Air Force since 1975. It received new weapons and equipment for BVR combat (Beyond Visual Range), as well as new software and other engineering improvements, bringing a vast transfer of technology in military software development with a high level of complexity.

The A-4 Skyhawk aircraft of the Brazilian Navy, produced by McDonnell Douglas, was manufactured in 1977 and received new cockpits and a comprehensive process of systems modernization.