In order to enhance the user’s decision-making capability, Arkhe Command & Control offers a range of solutions for planning, surveillance and monitoring the execution of a diverse set of missions. Acting in an integrated way, these solutions bring different sources of information to be used to compose situational awareness. With a flexible and scalable structure, it allows customers to evolve their physical and logical infrastructure, adding to the system new elements such as radars, cameras and legacy systems.

Arkhe Integrated Surveillance
Focused in command and control at the operational and tactical levels, this solution creates the necessary structure for planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of activities for Surveillance and Defense in Air, Land and Naval environments, maintaining a direct relationship with subordinate command centers, sensors and vectors including troops, aircraft, combat vehicles and others. Its communication module guarantees the exchange of data of different types, formats and protocols among the elements of the system through SATCOM, microwave, V/UHF, and VCS radios. In addition to supporting various levels of access to information, this solution can incrementally generate the operational scenario of the mission as its information network increases.
Arkhe Battlefield Management System - BMS
Arkhe BMS was developed to be used in advanced tactical operations centers, supporting activities for land surveillance, investigation, counterterrorism, target tracking, and assistance to troops and/or police forces. It was optimized to operate in specific scenarios, also for use in mobile platforms, being able to connect to other mobile or fixed centers, allowing the coverage of shadow areas of long-range sensors, the sharing of the tactical situation and the control and support of the means of action more closely.
Arkhe Data Analysis
Arkhe Operations Management is a solution developed to support the planning and execution of operations and exercises of land, naval, or air force, managing plans, orders and reports throughout the chain of command. It provides a set of functionalities capable of driving all the steps of situational assessment and decision-making activities in an integrated environment, covering all the command processes from the strategic level down to the tactical units.
Arkhe Governance
Arkhe Governance is a complete data integration solution based on our Command and Control expertise focused on governance. To meet the demands of governments in city management – Smart Cities, Atech has developed Arkhe Governance, with the ability to track real-time events from the Operations Centers or mobile units. It has a georeferenced environment, performing fusion, correlation and data analysis, providing the manager a complete view of the relevant information of the city, such as mobility, education, health and security, among others.
Arkhe Command Training & Simulation
Arkhe Command Training & Simulation is a complete training and simulation solution capable of providing mission operators with a specific learning experience in their areas of expertise. Arkhe Command Training & Simulation enables the preparation, creation, execution, recording and playback of scenarios and operational exercises integrated into the Arkhe Integrated Surveillance and the Arkhe BMS operating platforms.
- Management and monitoring of operational activities
- Dynamic support to missions
- Execution of simulated and real operations
- Management, resources and personnel information
- Mission planning
- Secure management of system information