C-390 Millennium

The new generation multi-mission transport aircraft
Unbeatable Combination
The C-390 MILLENNIUM is the new generation military multi-mission aircraft that brings unrivaled mobility, high productivity and operation flexibility at low operational costs on a single and unique modern platform.
Truly multi-mission aircraft
Multi-mission capability to perform more with a single aircraft. This provides air forces with optimal fleet performance generated by a cost-effective combination of high availability and productivity.
Dual certification approach from beginning
The C-390 MILLENNIUM is undergoing a full military certification process built over a dual certification approach from beginning. This hybrid process combines the efforts of both civil and military airworthiness authorities. This approach ensures the aircraft can safely accomplish all its military missions. The C-390 MILLENNIUM basic platform is being developed and certified by the Brazilian Civil airworthiness authority in accordance with FAA 14 CFR Part 25 standards. The military certification complements the civil certification with military standards, specifications and criteria in order to cover the military mission accomplishment, military items and systems